
CommUNITY Pages

Winona Campus

CommUNITY Student Newsletter

The epidemic of human trafficking

Education and prevention is key Katie Boller Gosewisch B’01 calls herself the queen of “if you see something, say something.” “I probably win the award for making the most 911 calls,” she said with a laugh. But in all seriousness, she adds, “Human beings were gifted...

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Rural health care focus

Finding solutions to a national crisis After graduating with a nursing degree, Carmen Drentlaw D’24 jumped right into her new field at Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis. After a few years of working in the intensive care unit (ICU), Drentlaw knew she was...

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Change starts with community

Ensuring all Minnesotans have a seat at the table Dr. Stephanie Burrage C’95 has made it her mission to ensure everyone has both a seat and a voice at the table. Within a year of her appointment as State of Minnesota’s Chief Equity Officer, Dr. Burrage had traveled to...

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Unleashing a better life

Can Do Canines places 900 dogs At age 35, Alan Peters B’74 thought to himself … there has to be more in life. The psychology and human development major, who once planned to become a counselor, no longer felt fulfilled with selling insurance and flipping houses. “I...

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Daniel publishes research article in AANA Journal

Dr. Carol Daniel M’04, academic director and associate professor of Saint Mary’s doctorate of nursing practice nurse anesthesiology program, recently published a research article in the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA) Journal, stemming from a...

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Partnership shows global impact of education

Through a partnership with the American Creativity Academy, Saint Mary’s is offering graduate education for teachers in Kuwait. The American Creativity Academy is the largest private school in Kuwait educating over 6,000 girls and boys in PreK-12 on multiple campuses....

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Building bridges

Eliminating barriers to mental health services Ali Aden M’20, C’20 says you don’t go into counseling for the money. “If you are there for the money, you’re in the wrong field. We’re in it to help people,” he said. It was this desire to help people that brought him to...

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Campus Ministry

Career Services

Residence Life


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