
Resiliency is important now more than ever. In addition to the newly implemented Wellness Days, Saint Mary’s has also compiled an extensive list of activities and resources to support faculty, staff, and students.

Successfully working from home
This 30-minute recorded webinar from Cigna Wellness reviews factors that make working from home successful, takes a look at work practices that maximize your success working remotely, and explores how to remain healthy and balanced as a remote worker.

Work@Home Keys to Success

Focusing on your mental health
In this guide from the National Alliance on Mental Illness, you will find answers to questions ranging from how to manage anxiety during this difficult time, to how to access medication while in quarantine, to how to deal with the loss of a loved one to COVID-19.

COVID-19 Resource and Information Guide

Coping with stress
This article contains information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on stress management, taking care of yourself, connecting to your community, and recovering from COVID-19.

Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19

Staying active
Exercise, meditate, and create a self-care routine. Staying active can help you manage stress.

Staying Active During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Minnesota Department of Health)

How to Stay Active in Cold Weather (American Heart Association)

Employee assistance program
Saint Mary’s employee assistance program, Life Assistance by Cigna, has a variety of programs and resources to help you and your family find solutions and restore peace of mind.

Life Assistance by Cigna

Managing chronic conditions
Those with chronic illnesses or underlying medical conditions may be at higher risk for severe illness if infected with COVID-19. Learn more about managing your health and chronic conditions during the pandemic from the Minnesota Department of Health.

Managing Your Health During COVID-19

Managing Chronic Conditions During COVID-19

Leading a remote team
This one-hour video from Beacon Health is for leaders of remote teams who want more information on maintaining cohesive and motivated teams, preserving or even increasing productivity, and addressing other work-from-home challenges.

Effective Management of a Remote Team

Supporting employees
Originally created for health care leaders, the Minnesota Department of Health offers tips for managers to support employees in the workplace.

Seven Things You as a Leader Can Do Right Now

Help on the go
Download Sanvello, a smart phone app for stress, anxiety, and depression offering self-care, peer support, coaching, and more.


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