
Father Burns, left, talks with community members at the Rochester Community Welcome July 27.

It’s been nearly a month since our new President Rev. James P. Burns has joined Saint Mary’s. Several welcome receptions have since taken place to help him get acquainted with the university:

  • On July 9, Father Burns was welcomed by faculty and staff on the Twin Cities and Winona campuses with more than 200 employees in attendance at the welcome receptions. Thank you for warmly welcoming him.
  • On July 11, a Winona Community Welcome was held for Father Burns in the Science and Learning Center Atrium. More than 100 Winona community members attended the reception and responded with a standing ovation to the remarks from Father Burns. Special thanks to trustees Marilyn Frost and Marcy Van Fossen who attended this welcome.
  • On July 27, a Rochester Community Welcome was held for Father Burns at Cascade Meadow. More than 40 Rochester community members attended the gathering. Special thanks to trustees Mary Ann Remick and John Wade who attended this welcome.
  • This afternoon, Aug. 7, a Minneapolis Community Welcome was held for Father Burns in the University Center. Approximately 100 Twin Cities community members attended. Special thanks to trustees Michael Laak, Sandra (Kaiser) Simon, Angela Steger, and Gregory Stevens who attended this welcome.

Check out the links below to see the news coverage associated with these events and Father Burns:

In addition to these welcomes, the Presidential Transition Team, in conjunction with Father Burns, developed an online “New President’s Questionnaire” for faculty and staff to complete. The questionnaire was designed to collect information from multiple sources within the university that might be helpful to Father Burns as he assumes the presidency. It sought information on points of pride, points of progress, areas for improvement, outreach, and partnerships. Dr. Joe Tadie, Dr. Marilyn Frost, Dr. Lynn Albee, Audrey Kintzi, and Brother Frank Carr will analyze the results of the survey and provide a report to Father Burns.

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